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:heavy_check_mark: LiChaoTree

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 * @title LiChaoTree
 * @docs md/segment/convex-hull-trick/
template <typename Operator> class LiChaoTree{
    using TypeValue = typename Operator::TypeValue;
    using Line = pair<TypeValue,TypeValue>;
    vector<TypeValue> x;
    vector<Line> node;
    vector<int> clz;
    size_t length;
    const size_t bit;
    LiChaoTree(const size_t bit=30):bit(bit){
        //do nothing
    inline void build(){
        TypeValue maxi = x.back() + 1;
        for (length = 1; length < x.size(); length *= 2);
        x.resize(length, maxi);
        for(size_t i = 1; i < 2*length; ++i) {
            // for(int j = 0; j < bit; ++j) if(i&(1<<j)) clz[i] = 31-j;
            clz[i] = __builtin_clz(i);

    void x_push_back(TypeValue argx){

    //return y = ax+b
    inline static constexpr TypeValue f(Line& line,TypeValue& t)	{
        return line.first*t + line.second;

    inline void update(Line line,int i = 1){
        while(i < 2*length){
            int l = (i<<(clz[i]-clz[length]))-length;
            int r = l + (length>>(31-clz[i])) - 1;
            int m = (l+r)>>1;
            bool flgl = Operator::func_compare(f(line,x[l]),f(node[i],x[l]));
            bool flgm = Operator::func_compare(f(line,x[m]),f(node[i],x[m]));
            bool flgr = Operator::func_compare(f(line,x[r]),f(node[i],x[r]));

            if(flgl&&flgr) node[i] = line;
            if(flgl==flgr) break;
            if(flgm) swap(node[i],line),swap(flgl,flgr);
            i = (i<<1)+flgr;
    inline void update(Line line,TypeValue l,TypeValue r){
        l = distance(x.begin(),lower_bound(x.begin(),x.end(),l))+length;
        r = distance(x.begin(),lower_bound(x.begin(),x.end(),r))+length;
        for(; l < r; l >>=1, r >>=1) {
            if(l&1) update(line,l),l++;
            if(r&1) --r,update(line,r);

    inline TypeValue get(TypeValue t){
        int i = distance(x.begin(),lower_bound(x.begin(),x.end(),t))+length;
        TypeValue res = Operator::unit_value;
        for(;1<=i;i>>=1) if(!Operator::func_compare(res,f(node[i],t))) res = f(node[i],t);
        return res;
#line 1 "lib/16-convex-hull-trick/LiChaoTree.cpp"
 * @title LiChaoTree
 * @docs md/segment/convex-hull-trick/
template <typename Operator> class LiChaoTree{
    using TypeValue = typename Operator::TypeValue;
    using Line = pair<TypeValue,TypeValue>;
    vector<TypeValue> x;
    vector<Line> node;
    vector<int> clz;
    size_t length;
    const size_t bit;
    LiChaoTree(const size_t bit=30):bit(bit){
        //do nothing
    inline void build(){
        TypeValue maxi = x.back() + 1;
        for (length = 1; length < x.size(); length *= 2);
        x.resize(length, maxi);
        for(size_t i = 1; i < 2*length; ++i) {
            // for(int j = 0; j < bit; ++j) if(i&(1<<j)) clz[i] = 31-j;
            clz[i] = __builtin_clz(i);

    void x_push_back(TypeValue argx){

    //return y = ax+b
    inline static constexpr TypeValue f(Line& line,TypeValue& t)	{
        return line.first*t + line.second;

    inline void update(Line line,int i = 1){
        while(i < 2*length){
            int l = (i<<(clz[i]-clz[length]))-length;
            int r = l + (length>>(31-clz[i])) - 1;
            int m = (l+r)>>1;
            bool flgl = Operator::func_compare(f(line,x[l]),f(node[i],x[l]));
            bool flgm = Operator::func_compare(f(line,x[m]),f(node[i],x[m]));
            bool flgr = Operator::func_compare(f(line,x[r]),f(node[i],x[r]));

            if(flgl&&flgr) node[i] = line;
            if(flgl==flgr) break;
            if(flgm) swap(node[i],line),swap(flgl,flgr);
            i = (i<<1)+flgr;
    inline void update(Line line,TypeValue l,TypeValue r){
        l = distance(x.begin(),lower_bound(x.begin(),x.end(),l))+length;
        r = distance(x.begin(),lower_bound(x.begin(),x.end(),r))+length;
        for(; l < r; l >>=1, r >>=1) {
            if(l&1) update(line,l),l++;
            if(r&1) --r,update(line,r);

    inline TypeValue get(TypeValue t){
        int i = distance(x.begin(),lower_bound(x.begin(),x.end(),t))+length;
        TypeValue res = Operator::unit_value;
        for(;1<=i;i>>=1) if(!Operator::func_compare(res,f(node[i],t))) res = f(node[i],t);
        return res;
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